Mobile Marketing For Entrepreneurs: Pick Up! Opportunity is Calling!

Have you ever wondered how you were going to leverage the ‘next big thing‘?

Well, it’s here and it’s time! It’s mobile marketing!

Mobile marketing is quickly becoming one of those rare phenomenon in business where a number of technologies and markets converge so powerfully that thousands of new and exciting opportunities emerge for entrepreneurs– semingly overnight.

So, to get a handle on the current/upcoming opportunities, take two simple steps:

1) Review Mobile Marketing – Part 1 – a blog post that includes a handful of very focused resources to get you comfortable with mobile marketing fundamentals;


2) Listen to the BusinessCast Podcast (Episode #75 – Don’t Hang Up: Mobile Marketing for Entrepreneurs) which will be posted on the BusinessCast Archives on Sunday, September 21, 2008.

Our very special podcast guest is Michael Younder — one of the many ‘movers and shakers’ at Research In Motion (R.I.M.) — home of the ubiquitous Blackberry!

Michael shares entertaining stories, insights and trends about mobile marketing, product development and branding. At the same time, Michael — along with Robert and I — highlight those lessons relevant for every business entrepreneur.

Remember: Subscribe to the BusinessCast Podcast at iTunes

One Response

  1. There are a lot of Next Big Things that never are. TV on cell phones was supposed to be The Next Big Thing. It was huge in Japan where people commute 4 hours a day and when bored out of their minds, they use the time to catch up on their favorite shows and watch movies. Americans and many Europeans commute far less and prefer to have a big screen on which to watch their entertainment. The people touting Mobile TV didn’t realize that or do their research, they just came on with a fad.

    Mobile marketing is what many consider pestering by phone. People like their privacy and they generally don’t like someone messaging them in e-mail, on the phone. As a marketer by education and with real world experience in tech and media, I find that the best time to market to people is when they’re looking for your products, not just randomly bugging them by every communication method possible all the time.

    The Next Big Thing is advertising smarter and being more targeted by using interactive media. It’s not pestering people with barely relevant, generic ads on their cell phones.

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